Work San Francisco California United States of AmericaRachel Kalmar _
data scientistindependentCorporate/Private SectorBiographical Info
Rachel Kalmar is a data scientist and community organizer, and the world record holder for number of wearable sensors worn continuously. A Stanford neuroscience PhD, Rachel has spent over a decade wrangling noisy data to explain, predict and influence behavior. Rachel is an alumna of Stanford’s Neurosciences Program, the Hasso Plattner Institute for Design (aka the, UCSD, The Salk Institute, Rock Health, and Misfit Wearables.
At the intersection of healthcare, hardware, and data, Rachel focuses on the application of data and the broader ecosystems within which it exists. What are barriers to data access, sharing and interoperability, and how can we enable more open data ecosystems to better serve the public interest?Categories: Individual Members