Webinar - Wednesday October 14th at 10am PT : Putting Your Apple Healthkit or Fitbit Health Data to Work with Ian Eslick, Tuhin Sinha, Roger Magoulas, Rob Rustad
Today, collecting and storing personal health-related data is relatively easy with sensors like Fitbit and smartphone apps like Apple’s Healthkit. However, doing something useful with that data — enhancing doctor-patient decision making or advancing medical research discoveries — is far more difficult. O’Reilly Media recently completed a project with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Health eHeart project at the University of California San Francisco Medical School designed to uncover ways to accelerate the pace and efficacy of online, crowd-sourced clinical studies.
Join Ian Eslick, Tuhin Sinha, Roger Magoulas, Rob Rustad (moderated by Roger), and the HDE Team, as they share their experience of putting personal health data to work within a regulated hospital IT environment.
This webcast will provide insights for developers and technology providers on current state of the health data ecosystem as well as concrete case studies on data flow/analytic challenges faced by hospital IT and clinical researchers.
About the speakers

About Ian Eslick, PhD - Chief Executive Officer at Vital Labs, Inc
I love to work on solutions to big problems involving complex, real-world systems. I’m equally comfortable developing new business models, inventing algorithms, writing functional “big-data” cloud services, doing direct sales, hacking on mobile apps, or managing and growing an organization.
My current project is Vital Labs, a San Francisco based startup building a novel healthcare delivery platform that serves patients and clinical care professionals. This company emerged in part from my mid-career PhD on crowdsourcing healthcare at the MIT Media Laboratory. I also run an experimental technology incubator called Vital Reactor. Between projects I like to advise other startups, explore new domains, and occasionally do a little angel investing.
I’m a serious road-cycling enthusiast (you can find me on Strava.com), a fan of the Quantified Self and self-tracking, and I periodically release open source software (like the new Clojurescript dependency tracking framework Derive and front-end database Nativestore)
Twitter: @ieslick
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ianeslick

About Roger Magoulas - Research Director, O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Roger Magoulas is the research director at O’Reilly Media and chair of Strata + Hadoop World conferences. Roger and his team build the analysis infrastructure, and provide analytic services and insights on technology adoption trends to business decision-makers at O’Reilly and beyond. We find what excites key innovators and use those insights to gather and analyze faint signals from various sources to make sense of what others may adopt and why.
Twitter: @rogerm
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmagoulas

About Tuhin Sinha - President, Co-Founder at Vital Labs
Healthcare technology innovator, working in the bay area.
History of medical imaging analysis and algorithmic development. Dissertation work in image-guided neurosurgery and brain deformation mapping. Recipient of an NIH K99/R00 award for post-doctoral work used to concurrently investigate in vivo MRI and proteomic imaging.
Recent experience in providing strategic and business development support to UCSF for healthcare technology partnerships and research activities. Also experienced in developing operational systems in clinical and research environments at top-tier academic medical centers.
Specialties: research, healthcare, devices, technology, partnerships, technology, mobile applications, mHealth, eHealth
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tuhinksinha

About Rob Rustad - Principal, Open Health Cloud
Experienced technology marketing and product development executive focused on finding better ways to put health data work for patients and research. Technical Marketing Director for the Read to Me Project (readtomeproject.org) – please consider donating to help better prepare pre-K kids for successful school experiences.
Twitter: @healthydata
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robrustad