Work Wilmington Massachusetts United States of AmericaWebsite: http://www.analog.comBruce Hecht _
New Product Design Quality EngineerAnalog DevicesAcademia/University, Medicine/Health Care, Corporate/Private Sector, Non-profitBiographical Info
Bruce Hecht is a hardware designer and developer of new technologies. With 20 years experience in design and release of breakthrough new products, 5 US patents, and a certified Six Sigma Black Belt, Bruce’s interests are in the integration of sensors and signal processing. Bruce has served in leadership roles for the IEEE including the Boston Section, the Solid-State Circuits Society and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and in the growth of the IEEE Life Sciences Technical Community (LSTC). He has chaired conferences in circuits, life sciences, and medical devices and systems, and in the publication of the special issue of Journal of Solid-State Circuits and the IEEE Design & Test Magazine.
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